Monday, 7 September 2015

Classical Music

As someone who is a huge fan of music of varying kinds I has puzzled me why I really don't get classical music. Of course there's the ones you hear on adverts or used countless times on TV but the whole Classical genre is not something I can connect with at all.

However! I recently decided to trade in my XBox One and become a member of the PS4 brigade (I might blog about my reasons why) and in doing that I picked up a game called Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. It's an indie title which I think would have only cost £15 if I hadn't managed to get it as part of my bundle. I'd seen a few YouTube videos on it and just from those I really wanted to play it - there aren't many games which have had that effect on me! The game itself is visually stunning and although not a lot happens - it's kind of like 'follow me Archers' for me there is one element of the game which really makes it something special - the music. There's something about the soundtrack / score which I absolutely love and it will come as no surprise that the music is all classical. Combined with the images and scenery it all works and I've found myself listening to some of the music via Apple Music tonight, I'm pretty sure if Katie had walked in I would have been given a 'What on earth are you listening to that for' kind of look.

Anyway - if you're even the slightest bit interested in having a listen to it here's the Apple Music link

1 comment:

fill said...

I have said to you before you will eventually succumb. You didn't didn't drink wine until a number of years ago. You will like radio2 and 4. You will like gardening and slipper. IT must be SO!