Thursday, 7 May 2015

A General Election

Today is one of those days often known in the UK as a General Election. The day every four years (normally) when the UK population comes out to vote for who they would like as their local MP and subsequently as the Prime Minister.

I am someone who on the whole finds politics to be something so riddled with corruption, lies and 'jobs for the boys' that it annoys me more than interests me. I'm a big believer however that I am in a very privileged position of being able to vote in what appears a pretty democratic system and so will cast my vote at every election possible. I also think that everyone else should use that right too - we took our children along to the Polling Container today so I could explain to our eldest (who is 5) what voting is all about and why it's important. I think she understood but we'll see next time it happens.

What really pleased me tonight was that for the first time ever we had to queue to get into the polling station - meaning that lots of other people were making the effort to vote. I spoke to my Mum earlier and she said it was the same at her polling stations so maybe the voting population are actually starting to care!

Right now voting is still open for another 15 mins and the overall results won't be fully known until tomorrow morning, my money is on a hung parliament which I'm hoping and crossing everything does not involve the Conservative party! Who knows - but that's the joy of democracy!

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