Saturday, 16 March 2013

The new addition from Samsung

So then, after months of anticipation and probable dribbling from quite a few people Samsung last night finally unveiled their new flag ship phone - the Samsung Galaxy S4. I think it was definitely the maddest, and possibly the worst unveiling of a phone I have ever seen. So much cheese!!

Anyway, as somebody who is contemplating switching from using the iPhone to an Android phone I was really excited to see what the new Samsung phone would look like and what amazing new features it would have to offer. So, after watching a hour of people arsing around doing hideously scripted jokes that really weren't funny was I impressed with the phone?

Erm, no, not really! I mean yeah it's nice and I'm sure a 5" 1080p AMOLED screen is great but from my point of view it seemed as though the majority of features they've added were things which I would either hardly ever use or switch off straight away - who wants to have a small picture of themselves added to a nice picture. The air gesture feature to me seems a bit pointless - why not just press the screen, hovering 2 cm over the screen sounds like more arse. From what I've seen I really like the look of the Android operating system - more than I do iOS but it looks to me as though the S4 is running like a very Samsungised version of Android and I would expect that it's full of Samsung bloatware!

So overall I expected to be wowed and amazed by the S4 and I definitely had the feeling of 'Meh' afterwards. The ultimate test will be actually holding and using one but at this point in time I think that other newly released handsets are tickling my fancy!

Have a watch - see what you think!