Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Photos and the HTC / Samsung debate

So then, since my last rambling about the Galaxy S4 my normal stupid amount of research by article reading and YouTube clip watching has been taking place to help me make up my mind which I prefer! For me the biggest clincher in the competition is the quality of the photos it produces! As neither phone is out there in the hands of the public it's hard to see for myself what the exact quality of the photos is like, however from looking at some sample photos on the Engaget website to me there looks to be some things about the HTC which I didn't expect.

HTC One Samples - http://www.engadget.com/gallery/htc-one-sample-shots/

I fully expected the HTC One images to be impressive however from the ones I've seen the photos from the HTC were a bit disappointing and uninspiring! They seemed a bit over processed, a little fuzzy and lacking in contrast whereas the ones from other seem sharp and have good contrast. I think what HTC is trying to do the the megapixels issue is applaudable however after seeing the sample images I was not impressed!

All of which didn't help my decision making process as I was starting to warm towards the HTC One! Back to the drawing board!!!

Saturday, 16 March 2013

The new addition from Samsung

So then, after months of anticipation and probable dribbling from quite a few people Samsung last night finally unveiled their new flag ship phone - the Samsung Galaxy S4. I think it was definitely the maddest, and possibly the worst unveiling of a phone I have ever seen. So much cheese!!

Anyway, as somebody who is contemplating switching from using the iPhone to an Android phone I was really excited to see what the new Samsung phone would look like and what amazing new features it would have to offer. So, after watching a hour of people arsing around doing hideously scripted jokes that really weren't funny was I impressed with the phone?

Erm, no, not really! I mean yeah it's nice and I'm sure a 5" 1080p AMOLED screen is great but from my point of view it seemed as though the majority of features they've added were things which I would either hardly ever use or switch off straight away - who wants to have a small picture of themselves added to a nice picture. The air gesture feature to me seems a bit pointless - why not just press the screen, hovering 2 cm over the screen sounds like more arse. From what I've seen I really like the look of the Android operating system - more than I do iOS but it looks to me as though the S4 is running like a very Samsungised version of Android and I would expect that it's full of Samsung bloatware!

So overall I expected to be wowed and amazed by the S4 and I definitely had the feeling of 'Meh' afterwards. The ultimate test will be actually holding and using one but at this point in time I think that other newly released handsets are tickling my fancy!

Have a watch - see what you think!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


I've had this Blog thing for ages and I know I don't update it anywhere as much as I should or would like to but I have yet to activate the switch in my head which makes me automatically think when something happens 'you know what I'll blog about that'. I'd guess that I'm like most people where my first reaction is 'Great! I'll put that on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram' but not in a blog. Why that is I'm not totally sure, maybe it's because I don't find updating it on my iPhone all that enjoyable or maybe it's the lack of time I spend sat in front of a computer with either the time or subject to update a blog.

There are some great bloggers out there who you can tell really love and nurture their blogs and use them as an outlet for their thoughts, and general opinions but I am a long way from that yet. I could probably fill pages of total drivel but not sure that's worth anyones time to read!

I'm going to try and make the effort to use this more to express thoughts etc initially from time to time and we'll see where it goes from there.