Monday 11 February 2013

Things are Changing

Back in December last year I put a post on here that my devotion to all things Apple was waning fast, and since then nothing has changed. I've still got my iPhone 5 and to be honest it's got very boring! iOS is still the same look and feel (only a lot faster and a few more features) than the original version back in 2007 and from comments made on Apple blog sites there doesn't look to be much of a desire from Apple to change! There's talk of an iWatch - meh! and a faster iPhone 5S - meh! Will the iWatch have the contactless payment chip in it which the iPhone hasn't?

Over the last week I've gone into normal research mode which happens when I start to consider other options for things I use a lot during the course of each day - I've watched YouTube videos, read articles and my conclusion is that unless Apple produced iOS 7 with a completely overhauled interface I will be taking my hard earned £ and heading off to the nearest O2 store to get an Android phone! I had considered Windows phone however the lack of a fully stocked App Store means I'll probably give them another phone cycle before I seriously consider them! The thing I like about Android is it's configurability and customisableness and it's nowhere near as constrained and controlled as the iPhone! It sounds like fun!

So come on Apple - you've got a while to make improvements because I'm on a lengthy contract with the iPhone 5, otherwise I'm outta here!!!

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