Sunday, 20 October 2013

iOS 7

As I'm sure I've mentioned on here quite a few times I've had an iPhone since the first one was released - the first I didn't bother with was the 3GS but other than that one I've pretty much had the lot! With all of these phones obviously came the varying versions of iOS or OS as I think it was originally! Through time iOS started to become a bit stale for me - no major overhaul, instead adding new elements such as Games Centre and Newstand! I had reached the point where I was thoroughly bored with iOS and started to look what else was out there from other providers! Then Apple announced iOS 7 - seeing it for the first time when it was announced at a WWDC I though it looked amazing, they'd changed the way it looked, behaved, and it felt as though it would be like having a brand new operating system! 

Its been a month since iOS 7 was unleashed on my phone and has it turned out to be the iPhone saviour that I'd hoped it would be?..........erm no! When I saw it on the initial demo from Apple I thought the colours were spectacular however when I downloaded it my phone felt a bit like my 4 year old had gone a bit nuts with her crayons! One thing I hadn't released before release was that everything zoomed in and out each time it's opened or closed, if I'm moving between apps etc then it gets annoying! Instead of wasting a second having it zoom why not do away with that and open the app quicker!?  I'm not alone in hating the new calender - I used to find list view really handy but it's not there anymore! My phone and wifi signal appear to be weaker - I'm sure I have No Service in the top left more than I used to (not proven though) and the processing time for the more significant apps like Facebook are noticeably slower - given the number of people using Facebook I'd have expected Apple to work with Facebook to make sure they worked perfectly together - it doesn't feel like they did! 

There is however one thing I really do like and use a lot - Control Centre! I love not having to dive into menus etc to just switch on and off Wifi or Bluetooth and the built in torch has replaced an app I had! 

In summary after a month iOS 7 just feel like iOS 6 with a rather flamboyant new coat on! Combining this with each iPhone now having the same form factor things from Cupertino are going a bit stale for me! 

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