Yesterday I did something which I haven't done for ages, and by ages I'm talking years! I went into an actual shop to look at buying music! I had some time to myself in Newcastle and found myself wandering without any particular destination past HMV. Like most people now when I want to peruse or buy music I trawl through iTunes, Amazon MP3 and Google Play without giving a thought to HMV or other real life shops! There's a couple of albums I've been thinking about getting and online they are all £8 and above - compared to years ago that would have been perceived as cheap but as normally one of the online stores has albums for £5 I seem to perceive £8 for someone's hard work as being expensive.
So yesterday I wandered through the rows of CD's, DVD and Blue Ray when I suddenly remembered about the albums I was looking for - to both my surprise and joy I found both albums in a 2 for £10 deal! They are now beginning their new life together at my house!
I definitely wouldn't describe the record store business as thriving however it's good to see that it's still surviving and actually an option which I should actually consider in my normal scan when looking for something new. I really liked being able to pick up the cd and play it as soon as I got in the car. Of course I'll be uploading it into iTunes to transfer onto my phone and turning it digital!