Sunday, 18 November 2012

Northern Countryside

I may have mentioned it on here previously but back in 2007 I moved to live in London, it was something I always wanted to do and am really pleased I did - to be honest I'd recommend it to anyone. Then back in 2009 after meeting my amazing wife and with the impending arrival of our daughter we moved back north! London has so much to offer which at times I really miss - however there's something up North that I don't think I could now ever do without - the Northern Countryside! I know other areas of the country have some amazing and spectacular wilderness and countryside but there's something about the woods, moors, hills etc in the North I absolutely love. Not sure if it's the colours, the variety of trees, the terrain or a hefty amount of bias but I'd urge anybody to head North and into the wilds!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

What's the point of them....?

There a few things that I see in everyday life that I really cannot see the point in or work out why people would bother with. Most recently, and probably because I spend a lot of time in traffic, I've realised that I really cannot see the point of 'Baby on Board' signs and stickers in the back of cars! What difference does it make to me if you've got a baby on board? I still have no intention of crashing into you whether you've got a baby on board or not! I personally have got a daughter who I drive round with in the car and having a sign telling everybody would make absolutely no difference at all!

I can only think that these signs are just a different way of saying 'I'm fertile - look at me!!!'.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Although I'm not great at it or profess to understand all the fancy terminology about f stops and aperture etc, taking photos is something I love doing and do quite a bit of.

Up until recently I used my Nikon D40 as my main camera and used to take it everywhere - I'd then get home, upload the photos I'd taken onto the computer and upload the ones I liked and thought were good enough to Flickr! Then I'd sit back and watch the views increase slowly and maybe the odd comment would appear! At this point I would put anything I thought made what I perceived as a 'proper' photo onto Flickr and more family, silly type of photos would go onto Facebook or maybe Twitter - that way I would know friends and family would see them.

However, recently I have changed in what I do and have now found myself using Flickr less and less, to the extent that my pro account expired last week and so far I haven't bothered renewing it! I think I found that the photos I put on Flickr did not reach out to the same volume of people that uploading a photo to Facebook, Twitter and now Instagram does. I personally think that photos are there to be shared with and seen by as many people as possible! With my Flickr photos I can almost guarantee they would have 2 views from my Dad and Phil - other than that not many - until I linked my account to Facebook!

I'm also finding that I'm rarely using my D40 and instead rely on my iPhone 5 as my main camera. Although it won't take as good a photo as my D40 does it's portability and size mean I don't need to carry a backpack everywhere! Then the fact that from my phone I can upload a photo to any of the photo sites after having tweaked it makes it easier!

I really hope this isn't the end of my journey with Flickr because I like it, however I certainly think that it is no longer the main place for uploading my photos to as with the other areas the audience is potentially a lot larger as we already have a link by being a follower, friend or having something retweeted!


If you look at this blog you'll notice that I write something, then leave it for ages, then write something again and so on and so on. However recently I've decided to make an effort and use it a lot more - therefore the potential for me to fill this full of drivel has increased and so I apologise now for some of the bilge I spout.  Most of what I put on here will be written without thinking it through and also without any kind of planning so it may not even make sense.

The key thing is that I'm going to try and give it a go! 

US Election

It's just after midnight and I'm sat here watching the UK coverage of the US Election and I have to admit I don't have a clue what they are talking about but it's still pretty interesting - I'm sure if I stayed up all night I'd begin to understand it, but that's really not going to happen.

From my point of view which is based on the very limited things I've read and watched I think I would have to put my preference with Obama. Then again some of the things I have heard suggest there are issues especially for young people with regards to jobs, houses etc in the USA but I suppose changing a country the size of the US in four years is a pretty tough thing to do. I really can't see that Romney is the best alternative vote - just don't go for a coalition - they're rubbish!!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Opportunity Missed

With it being bonfire night last night we'd decided to head up to Beamish Museum for the Bonfire and Fireworks extravaganza they were planning. Beamish is very local to us so it made sense instead of trotting through to Gateshead or further afield, plus at £4 each it wasn't breaking the bank!

Now I absolutely love Beamish Museum, I love the attractions, the atmosphere, everything and thought that this would be a great event as that is something Beamish are very good at! I was expecting food stalls, mulled wine, maybe a small beer tent, historic Guy Fawkes celebrations, apple bobbing, bonfire (treacle) toffee etc all of which Beamish have very good access to the means to do so! Unfortunately for what ever reason they didn't do any of it - which I think is a massive opportunity missed by them, as a charity they could have used this opportunity to bring in some extra money!
The evening started with a longish walk from the entrance to the exhibition field, the walk was absolutely fine however it would have been a great opportunity for them to sell sweets, drinks etc as people walked past - the small shack shop was open but as that's right as you get in I didn't even look as I thought there'd be more inside! At the exhibition ground there was an impressive bonfire up on the hill which I'm presuming was put there for Health & Safety reasons but on the field itself were only a display from the fire service, a really irritating police van who's siren kept being set off by children having a look round it and then the usual gallopers in the distance. Refreshments wise there appeared to be two small stalls selling what I think was tea and coffee but as the queue was enormous we didn't even contemplate having a look.

Once we worked out which direction the fireworks were coming from we were presented with a fantastic firework display which I'm pleased to say wasn't set to some rubbish dance, techno music or Jeam Michel Jarre!! Once it finished as there was nothing to keep people there everybody left en masse which is fine until you try and get so many thousand people through a small style with what can only be described as 'arseholes' bypassing the queue and cutting in! We must have been stuck there for easy 15 minutes! After that the stroll back to the car was fine!

Overall I can't help thinking that the event was arranged quite quickly as the usual Police display was cancelled - I'm really hoping it happens again next year but this time it has a Beamish feel about it! If I was marking it like teachers do I'd have to give the comment "must try harder".

Monday, 5 November 2012

Flu Jab

Well that's my flu jab done with for another year! As somebody who's absolutely loaded with asthma I've been having them for years as the combination of me and a good hard dose of influenza is not a great prospect. I've spoken to a few people who have said that they don't have the jab as they never get the flu.....well that means you never will then!!!! Arse!!!

Normally I venture down to my GP and get it done each year however this time they're giving them out to everybody where I work for nowt - irrespective of whether you're riddled with asthma, old age or other great ailments! Such a good idea - and I don't have to go anywhere near my doctors - which I like because they're pap!!!

Sunday, 4 November 2012


I'm pretty sure that now I've reached the age of 37 I should slowly be growing out of playing games on XBox and instead listening to Classic FM and worrying about really dull things - but it's quite the opposite. I've always played a lot of 'computer games', starting back with Zorgons Revenge on the Oric 1 through Manic Miner, Spy Hunter, Midwinter, Elite, Championship Manager, Football Manager, Grand Theft Auto and numerous others right up to the more current Call of Duty series. There's something I love about playing them which I suppose could be counted as a hobby - a not a very productive one thought!

With the rapid developments in technology over recent years it's become more that just the game itself, there's now all of the add ons which create a wider experience.With my current game of choice Modern Warfare 3 I played the campaign version, finished it and moved straight to the online multiplayer. Moving to the online version then introduces contact with complete strangers who although I very very rarely chat with I enjoy listening to. Then there's the social media element and primarily YouTube, it opens it up so that everybody can then share what they think are awesome game plays and why they are so great - a lot of it is just a big willy waving contest. I would love to know how many MOAB videos there are on there! Amongst the videos of 14 years old squeaking at each other there are a few people who produce not just game play videos but also vlogs, commentaries etc. People like TMartn, Hutch, WoodysGamerTag, Syndicate all compile and publish videos about not just the gaming industry but also their lives and the way they see things - all of which I have come across on the back of a computer game, there's then the professional players who although they use game play add voice overs of opinions etc, people like Nadeshot, Scumpii.

Overall the gaming industry is something which is growing massively with the advent of technology and the fact that people can make a good living at it really interests me - good luck to them though!