Friday, 28 May 2010

It's here

Well after all the hype and expectation it's finally here - the iPad had arrived! I'm a huge fan of all things Apple however due to financial constraints I am limited to my only interaction with them being my iPhone. So when the iPad was announced I was naturally a bit intrigued and as with most people I was keen for a 'go'. Thankfully Phil (Fredspoon) had decided to take the plunge and preordered one which arrived yesterday - so last night I got to have a 'go'. Did I like it? Yes I did! Would I buy one? - No I wouldn't! It is an amazing piece of gadgetary however despite the size there's not a huge amount of difference between the ipad and iPhone! If I was somebody who spent a lot of time travelling on public transport I'd maybe consider it, but not yet! For the moment my iphone and home laptop cover all my needs -even with my sausage fingers I can still dance round the iPhone keyboard and hit almost all of the right letters!

One major thing that put me off being really tempted was the cost - for the price of the ipad I could also get a pretty decent spec Windows laptop - not that I'd want one but just saying!

I think I'll hold fire for a year until Apple bring out iPad v2, who knows it may have a camera, it may do Flash, it may sync with the iPhone making a behemoth of a gadget - who knows!

I am however very much looking forward to the new iPhone which with hopefully be unleashed by Mr Jobs on 7th July - will I be getting one? - I think I will!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Kurt Wenner

If you have a spare moment when you're supposed to be working have a search in google for pavement art by Kurt Wenner - it's amazing and very clever!


Over that last couple of weeks I've contemplated leaving Facebook, as good as it is for keeping up with people and hearing their good news it's the constant moaning, stupid point making and copious amounts of bad news it drops into my face each day! I can be having a great day then read something on there that really makes me feel miserable - and that's a dampener put on my day. In the end I've decided to stick with it, it is after all a great way of contacting my friends en mass with good news and updates about Charlotte. I'm often very tempted to reply to comments with the phrase "No you thick munter...." but hold back 'cos I can't be bothered. I suppose I'll see how it goes, I might just reduce the amount of time I spend on there!

However, as for Twitter - it's marvellous!!

So then, what's happened!

Since I last posted there haven't been that many changes - Charlotte continues to grow up and develop at an alarming rate. She has developed a new hobby of standing up at any opportunity provided she has something to lean against. If I had been told I'd become a Dad and love it as much as I do a few years ago I probably would have had a mild chuckle however now that it's here I absolutely love it! I also absolutely love being married more than I ever imagined I would - Katie is amazing, we're off on our first main holiday in about a month and I cannot wait!


I've done it again - forgeting about this blog is probably the easiest thing ever! I had a look at Tumblr in the mean time and concluded that it is rubbish so I'm back here for about a fifth bash at it!