Wednesday, 16 September 2009

I've gone and done it again!

Sure enough, even with the best intentions I have managed to completely neglect my blog and have not even written anything since April! it's not even as if nothing has happened - completely the opposite in fact!

I've heard it said that moving house, changing job, getting married, and having a baby are some of the most stressfull things to do in life - me and Katie have managed to do them all in the last few months!!

In the middle of June we finally moved out of London and back to the North - quite an easy decision to make really! The move went well and thanks to a couple of Polish guys the move went by without even a grumble!

Then at the start of July I started my new job with a high street back who had a few well publicised problems - it pays the bills - that's all I'll say!

On 8th August me and Katie got married, what an amazing day! The combination of friends and weather made it one of the best days ever!

Then as the icing on the cake Charlotte Mary Anne arrived a bit early on 30th August weighing in at a painfully impressive 9lb 4oz! So far we're 2 weeks in and I love being a Dad!

So that's a potted history of the last few months! Let's hope things calm down a bit!